Saturday, July 16, 2011

Daily Warmup, OH BOY!

Rendering is beyond garbage, but it's nice to mess around with new brushes and techniques. Like on the top part of the upper creatures, the linework is actually stroked vector lines, with made for a really weighty line. From there, I just quickly threw down shadows with textured brushes, and messed around a while from there. Anyway, enjoy, and gimme some feedback on this piece. Thanks!

 I can explain... none of this.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Grahhh more progress!

...though technically nothing finished. Hrm. Still, check this out, sucka!

It needs revisions, sure, but it's coming along nicely.

Oh, and is it just me, or does the guy in this picture look like Roger Daltrey? Certainly not on purpose, but it is what it is. Let me know what I can fix in here, and other general comments below. 



Saturday, July 9, 2011

This is your drugs.. on art!

Wait, what? Anyway, here's the lines and progress on the piece "Drugs KILL." It's still got a lot of cleaning up with the edges, refining, and blending, but I really like it so far.

The lines... 

..and the rendering! Err.. so far. 

Your thoughts, ladies and gentlemen? I would love some feedback on what I can improve with this piece. Thanks!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Mo' Sketches, Mo' Problems

I lied. In any case, here's some more arty goodness for you to feast on!

 Behold, an androgynous being tripping massive balls! 

Behold, a secondary image! One with photo-refence used, even! Also, please enjoy the subliminally Robin Williams-esque image on the left.

On an exciting note, I'm about 80% done with my current sketchbook; something I started about two months ago. I'm buggin' out about it because my last one took me about a year to get that far. Exciting! 

As always, please throw down some critiques my way on these pieces, although I'll bet all I'll hear is the structure. Hmm. In any case, do enjoy, and let me know what you think! Thanks!


Monday, July 4, 2011

I Suck

...because I almost never update this beautiful piece of bloggery. As an apology, here's what I've been up to:

 This one sprung to mind the moment I saw the reference picture that's on the left. Figures. I'm going to clean up the lines, then start on some color washes. It's going to be delicious, especially since I really haven't had the chance to render out metallic materials digitally yet.
This one's slowly but surely coming along. Put some textures over it, but I hid them to show you guys the linework so far. You'll see them soon enough, though! 

More progress on this puppy. Did a lot more blending, and ideally made the light sources more consistent. Also added a warm undertone to build up on, along with some added contrast. Here's hoping it helps!

There's also a comic I've been chugging along on, and that will be all kinds of gorgeous once that's finished. I'm so psyched, it's ridiculous. Ooh! I should mention that I'm going to be a part of a summer festival over in the Pomona Arts Colony on the roof of the Fox Theater on August 20th. More info on that soon! 

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the pieces so far, and throw some critiques my way, yeah?



Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sketchdump! slight progress on this rift-related painting. I'm still trying to come up with a name that's cool, but not pretentious. I'll let you know what I come up with.

Most were with photo reference, some were not. 

Here's more progress on Monday/Tuesday's painting! Throw me some feedback, yeah? I'm really worried that I'm going to over-render it, and it'll look like a terrible mess, instead of the expressive piece it is right now. I just want to be able to render evenly and realistically, after all. Anyway, behold:

I've got a few other things in tow, but nothing I want to show off yet. Stay tuned!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

WIP Rift-Related Title

Okay, so I am laughably guilty of not updating in a while, so I thought I'd show you a little something I started on last night:

Behold! Proof that I am still living, breathing, and creating!

You know, while I'm at it, I may as well load up some older sketches:

...and with that, there will be more to come, and at a more regular interval, this time, eh? Cheers!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sketch Group Leavings

Okay, so I started a sketch group here at Mt.SAC, and I figured I'd post what I scribbled on during those 4 glorious hours. Enjoy, and throw some critiques my way, these are all WIP's. Thanks!

This one will eventually be the background, instead of this weird wishy-washy thing. /shrug 
It's been a few days in the works, and I'm sure it will be a few days more. (Click on it for fullview)

This one is called "Drugs KILL," and will look so much better once I use reference on the firearms and the syringe. Not sure whether to keep it this painterly, though, although I am digging the smoky effect. 

This one I want to have an even more involved background, but I'm not sure where to go with it. Your thoughts? 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Gentlemen, BEHOLD!

Titled "Weird Monstery Thing," this puppy's just a speed paint, exploring multiple brushes; looking for happy accidents in the piece. As always, lay down your most vicious and vile critiques! Thanks for dropping by!